Thin Christmas Tree with a frame around it

What Is A Pencil Christmas Tree?

With so many different varieties of artificial Christmas trees, it’s no wonder that we all get confused. Here, we explain what a pencil Christmas tree is and the benefits and disadvantages of having one. 

A pencil Christmas tree is a small, skinny tree. No more than 8 feet tall and no more than 16 inches wide. These trees are popular because they’re easy to store and come in various colours like white, blue, or green. They can hold more miniature ornaments than regular trees and take up less space.

Pencil Tree Benefits

  • You can easily see to put your ornaments on it. 
  • The branches are shorter, so they will not get in the way.
  • It takes up less space.
  • You don’t need as many decorations.
  • Looks neat
  • Easy to put up and dress
  • Cheaper
  • Need fewer lights on the tree
  • Often come pre-light

Pencil Tree Disadvantages

  • If you have a large room, it may look a little lost.
  • It doesn’t look as grand as the bigger ones.
  • You can only put small decorations on the tree.

What is the difference between a slim tree and a pencil tree?

Slim trees are usually a lot taller than pencil Christmas trees. They can go up to around 15 feet in height. Pencil trees are a lot thinner than slim trees. They both come in the same colours, and pencil trees are often cheaper to buy.

Pencil Christmas Trees

All in all, pencil Christmas trees are the smallest Christmas trees. They save on space, and dressing the tree doesn’t take very long. They are cheap and plentiful for people with smaller living rooms or smaller offices.